Morganite, the sister stone of emerald and aquamarine, was first discovered in California and is named for J.P. Morgan, one of the greatest financiers in history and one of the most important gem collectors in the early 1900s. Originally known as pink beryl, this peachy pink gem which is rarer than aquamarine, receives its blush hue through traces of manganese. Stronger colors are possible, although the finest colors are mainly achieved through larger stones. Morganite crystals can be quite large, with stones in Brazil weighing over 22 pounds. The largest Morganite weighing in at 50 pounds was uncovered in the U.S. in 1989 and named "The Rose of Maine." The largest faceted Morganite is a 598.70-carat cushion-shape from Madagascar in the collection of the British Museum. Symbolically, Morganite is thought to induce peace, joy and inner strength.

Natural fancy brown diamonds are available in shades from champagne to cognac to Chocolate Diamonds®, Le Vian®’s original brand of natural fancy color brown diamonds. Chocolate Diamonds® are naturally flavored, the depth of their color determined by the tremendous amount of pressure the diamond receives from deep within the earth.
Famous brown diamonds include the 545 carat dark rich champagne hued "Golden Jubilee," the world's largest cut natural diamond.