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14K Vanilla Gold® Blueberry Sapphire™ 3/8 cts., Costa Smeralda Emeralds™ 3/8 cts. Ring with Vanilla Diamonds® 1/5 cts. | YRIK 23

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  • Style#: YQII 90


Beryl Family | Mohs Scale: 7.5-8 | May Birthstone | 20th/35th Anniversary Gemstone

“The beautiful precious emerald, the COSTA SMERALDA EMERALD™, is now at an affordable price point in fresh styles to celebrate your passion for this lively green gem!”

Egypt’s Cleopatra favored emeralds as did the Moguls of India who wore them as talismans. Later, Spanish explorers discovered the fabulous green gem. The rich green hue is symbolic of the color of spring symbolizing loving and rebirth.

Emeralds are the 2020 Gem of the Year!


Throughout history, sapphires have always been associated with the color blue, perhaps most likely due to their name, which comes from the Greek word sappheiros (blue stone). Traditionally, sapphire symbolizes truth, sincerity, and faithfulness. In history, clergy members wore the gem to symbolize Heaven. In ancient Greece and Rome, the royals believed sapphires protected them from envy and harm. Sapphires have also been closely associated with romance and the royals, most recently in modern times. In 1981, Prince Charles gave Lady Diana Spencer a blue sapphire engagement ring. The same ring was later given to Kate Middleton by Prince William

But all sapphires are not blue and, in fact, come in a rainbow of colors including varying shades of blue as well as “fancy sapphires” in pink, yellow, orange, lavender, purple. Blues can be pure blue but may have a range from greenish blue to violet blue. The blue in a sapphire is the result of trace elements of iron and titanium; the more iron in the sapphire, the darker the blue.

"Le Vian® utilizes exacting standards for its genuine sapphires, choosing only those with a rich royal blue, blueberry flavor for designs which feature the September birthstone"


The journey of a diamond in the rough to the sparkling diamond design you love is a fascinating story, one that began billions of years ago, deep within the earth where a diamond has formed under extreme heat and pressure. Its ascent from its natural home is forced by nature or man where it is then cleaved, cut and polished revealing its natural beauty. Diamonds are the hardest material on earth and the only gem that is composed of only one element, carbon.

Vanilla Diamonds® are specially selected to adorn Le Vian® designs – from breathtaking one-of-a-kind red carpet favored designs in Vanilla Gold® to the trendsetting combination of Strawberry ‘N Vanilla® featuring the blushing hue of Strawberry Gold® topped with Vanilla Diamonds®.

“Le Vian® Vanilla Diamonds® are chosen by exacting standards: SI quality of higher and G-J color.”