Sea Blue Aquamarine
From the palest sky-blue to a deep sea-blue, the value of an aquamarine is determined by the color which is determined by traces of iron, the more intense and vivid the blue, the more valuable the gem.
Aquamarine symbolizes youth, hope, health and fidelity. Legend tells that this soothing blue gem also places a soothing calm in marriage.
Sea Blue Aquamarine® can be found within several Le Vian® brands depending on its accent stones: with Chocolate Diamonds®, le Vian Chocolatier®; with Blueberry Diamonds®, Le Vian Exotics®.

Zircon is the oldest mineral on earth, dating back 4.4 billion years. Its name comes from the Persian “Zargun”, which meaning golden color. Zircons can survive geological processes like erosion, transport, and even high-grade metamorphosis; as a result, they contain a rich and varied record of these processes, adding to their unique allure. There are many colors of Zircon including yellow, orange, brown, green, red and blue, the latter of which Le Vian® has chosen to introduce as Blueberry Zircon™, its newest gemstone flavor.
Le Vian® Blueberry Zircon™ can only be found in Cambodia, is chosen from the top of production and displays a unique blue color with green tones, which sometimes causes it to be mistaken for a Paraiba Tourmaline. It is a very highly refractive gem with a hardness of 7.5 and a vitreous luster.
Blueberry Zircon™ has the unique characteristic of being double reflective which means you see twice as many facets and twice as much fire. Larger sizes of Blueberry Zircon™ are extremely rare, almost nonexistent, with only 5 or less pieces of 30 carats or more discovered in the last year. Le Vian® is popularizing this ancient and rare gem as a salute to its 2017 Color of the Year, Blues™.
Legend has it that topaz dispels all enchantment and helps improve eyesight. In ancient times, it was believed that topaz had the power to increase strength and make the wearer invisible. Today, the gem is favored for its exquisite blue hue which can range from cool icy blues as featured in Le Vian®'s Ocean Blue TopazTM to the deep, Mediterranean blues in Deep Sea Blue TopazTM.
An interesting characteristic of topaz is its ability to build up a distinct electrical charge from heat or friction that it will retain for several hours. Blue is the most popular topaz color which is obtained through a diffusion treatment that is permanent.

Tanzanite was discovered in 1967 and named for the only area in which it is found - Tanzania, Africa. What makes this gem so popular is its vivid color, high clarity and tri-chronic qualities (it shows different colors when viewed in different directions). Le Vian® loved the lush flavor of tanzanite so much that, in the 80s, the company imported over 50% of tanzanite to the U.S. Today, that stockpile which best displays a unique chorus of tri-chronic blue. pink and purple flavors are sweet Blueberry Tanzanite® - the 2015 Gem of the Year.
Among the world's most famous tanzanite designs are the $2 million tanzanite and diamond evening sandals created by Le Vian® which feature over 185-carats of museum quality oval, cushion-cut and tear drop shaped tanzanite ranging from 6 to 16 carats. The shoes won the "Fashion Accessories" category in The Tanzanite Foundation's Celebration of Life Jewelry Design Awards.