Throughout history, sapphires have always been associated with the color blue, perhaps most likely due to their name, which comes from the Greek word sappheiros (blue stone). Traditionally, sapphire symbolizes truth, sincerity, and faithfulness. In history, clergy members wore the gem to symbolize Heaven. In ancient Greece and Rome, the royals believed sapphires protected them from envy and harm. Sapphires have also been closely associated with romance and the royals, most recently in modern times. In 1981, Prince Charles gave Lady Diana Spencer a blue sapphire engagement ring. The same ring was later given to Kate Middleton by Prince William
But all sapphires are not blue and, in fact, come in a rainbow of colors including varying shades of blue as well as “fancy sapphires” in pink, yellow, orange, lavender, purple. Blues can be pure blue but may have a range from greenish blue to violet blue. The blue in a sapphire is the result of trace elements of iron and titanium; the more iron in the sapphire, the darker the blue.

Denim Ombré®
Denim Ombré® is Le Vian’s unique interpretation of the hair, fashion and beauty trend, with a touch of classic denim style. Le Vian® combines a patent pending design featuring a range of diamond cut sapphires, gems, meticulously mapped from Blueberry Sapphire™ to Sky Blue
Sapphires to Vanilla Sapphires™, to create its Denim Ombré® design. Denim Ombré® symbolizes AnyWear/EveryWear® wearability, with a destiny to become your new favorite denim style.
Vanilla SapphireTM
Corundum Family | Mohs Scale: 9 | September Birthstone | 5th/45th/70th Anniversary Gemstone
Throughout history, sapphires have always been associated with the color blue, perhaps most likely due to its name which comes from the Greek word sappheiros (blue stone) but this precious gem comes in a rainbow of colors as well as the colorless white sapphire. Le Vian® has named its white sapphire, Vanilla Sapphire™. This gem can be found in Le Vian’s popular Blueberry Ombre™ and Blueberry Layer Cake™ collections.
Wisdom and strength of spirit, with extreme pure energy for having clarity in thought and powers to open up the mind, are thought to be some of the powers associate with white sapphire.
Natural fancy brown diamonds are available in shades from champagne to cognac to Chocolate Diamonds®, Le Vian®’s original brand of natural fancy color brown diamonds. Chocolate Diamonds® are naturally flavored, the depth of their color determined by the tremendous amount of pressure the diamond receives from deep within the earth.
Famous brown diamonds include the 545 carat dark rich champagne hued "Golden Jubilee," the world's largest cut natural diamond.

Nude Diamonds™
Light Brown Diamonds, C2-C3 | Natural Color Diamond | Mohs Scale: 10 | April Birthstone | 10th Anniversary Gemstone
Nude Diamonds™ are more neutral than white diamonds; their natural hue complements all skin tones.”
Nude Diamonds™ are neutral skin tone, natural color diamonds that look colorless, take a high polish and offer a great value that is a fraction of the price of white diamonds. Le Vian® utilizes a very stringent selection process, choosing from a select range of high clarity natural faint and light brown diamonds with a touch of blush, the top of production, that are C2-C3 in color and SI or VS in clarity.